Pedro Cabrita Reis

Pedro Cabrita Reis, born in 1956 in Lisbon, where he lives and works.He uses drawing with pencil and pastels, large scale painting, photography and sculpture, but also makes objects, installations and spatial arrangements that can reach architectural dimensions. Reis uses readymade items such as light bulbs, windows, doors, mirrors, boards, bricks or steel girders, making his sculptures seem monumental. At the same time the individual media flow into one another without losing their particular character. Nature appears in his work only in an extremely filtered way, as a space for thought, as a road to consciousness. The loss of nature as a reference point could be described as a motivating force in Cabrita Reis’ work.

His architectural installations can also be understood as territorial occupations, exclusions and delimitations. Because of this, however, they also reflect on the possibilities of connection, of communication and of exchange and are the site where reality occurs. The invisible resonates in the visible as a quiet echo of memory.


