Guillermo Galindo

Guillermo Galindo (born in Mexico City, 1960) is an experimental composer and artist.

Galindo's interpretations of concepts such as sonic archetypes and instrumentation, musical form, time perception, music notation, and sound-generating devices encompass a wide spectrum of output which includes symphonic and chamber composition, graphic scores, three dimensional sculptural cybertotemic sonic objects, live performance art, and in situ improvisation. The extent of the work of experimental composer, sonic architect, performance artist and visual media creator Guillermo Galindo, redefines the conventional limits between music, the art of music composition and the intersections between all art disciplines, politics, humanitarian issues, spirituality and social awareness. Galindo’s artistic practice emerges from the crossroads between sound, sight and performance and includes everything from orchestral compositions, instrumental works and opera, to sculpture, visual arts, computer interaction, electro-acoustic music, film making, instrument building, three dimensional installation and live improvisation.


