We are proud to announce the museum acquisitions of Elisabetta Benassi’s works À Bientôt, and Untitled (À Bientôt), both 2017, which entered the Philadelphia Museum of Art collection, and Zeitnot, 2017, acquired by the Musée National d’Art Moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. The Philadelphia Museum of Art is the first American Museum to collect Elisabetta Benassi’s works, while the Centre Pompidou already holds a seven works strong collection by the artist; Zeitnot, a large-scale work, will consistently expand the Museum holdings, which already include videos, works on paper and sculpture. As her representing gallery, we are happy to congratulate Elisabetta for these two very important steps in her career.
Elisabetta Benassi | Museums acquisitions | Centre Pompidou and Philadelphia Museum of Art